1. As I watch, you make me want to eat some right now! OMG! Now see, Im hungry at 0234 while at work. Lol, The struggle is real!! Smh!! #ItsAboutThatNightLife!! And this is an old video!

  2. I like the fact you know what you're doing, most men lay on their behinds and wait for wifey to finish slaving over the stove to cook.
    Food looks good. When I seen the Heineken I said, okay he's in the zone. Lol.

  3. You didn't clean the rice.  You just pour it out of the package.  Mixing the beans and rice in the strainer is not a good idea.  I like how you clean the chicken and wore gloves.  The rice and beans and missing the peas.  You don't use potatoes.

  4. Yooooo couldn't subscribe fast enough! I mean, despite the Cowboys reference, you're the bomb! LOL

  5. Have you tried 'Cavenders" Greek seasoning? It's better than any all spice. Bright yellow canister with black and red writing. Please try it and see what you think. P.S. it's not my spice I just really like it.

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