Wow love these food videos!! Makes me really hungry late at night !! Has we speak I am eating pickled ginger right now ☺️ yummy
I wanna marry that black prince.
felt like a bit bias to me……which Japaneses curry place has NAAN and butter chicken ? ….exactly……Indian food in foreign lands is really not Indian…….but what you showed me…..was defiantly looked really really good…..its a matter of preference…..I personally will never like to go in a Diner and eat 6 egg omelet breakfast in USA….but if I did I will rate it not as good…….thats a matter of perspective……if you are not fimilier with indian food and dont know how to rate it…….then dont review it….stick to what you like.and know best…Japanese food and USA ….burgers……similarly if I saw you eat chicken bones…..I will say YUUK….but you may rate it 6 stars…… its matter of perspective…..
1:00 – did that end up being "methi" (fenugreek leaves)?
Love it
plz taste some Pakistani food as well…it's yummy
why isnt peebrain with you more luke youre older son
Where's the basmati rice?
they are my favorite dishes.
Is he your son ? or best friend? :)
Next, please do some native American food. Good luck finding it. xD
ohh that cheese naan look so good. i should not have watch this video. feeeling very hungry now.
is it me or does he look like Steve Martin
Oui Monsieur Eric, your son should always wear that Prince outfit.
Dress is awesome. Thumbs up.
i want it,it make me feel hungry ,sure its delicious
haha. He said CUM-syrup at the end?:P those canisters kinda looked like something from a Jerk-off-certified bank…
To show off their…….b0ob??
That video should be names Epic Meal Time.. :)
Where is this place ?
Wow love these food videos!! Makes me really hungry late at night !! Has we speak I am eating pickled ginger right now ☺️ yummy
I wanna marry that black prince.
felt like a bit bias to me……which Japaneses curry place has NAAN and butter chicken ? ….exactly……Indian food in foreign lands is really not Indian…….but what you showed me…..was defiantly looked really really good…..its a matter of preference…..I personally will never like to go in a Diner and eat 6 egg omelet breakfast in USA….but if I did I will rate it not as good…….thats a matter of perspective……if you are not fimilier with indian food and dont know how to rate it…….then dont review it….stick to what you like.and know best…Japanese food and USA ….burgers……similarly if I saw you eat chicken bones…..I will say YUUK….but you may rate it 6 stars…… its matter of perspective…..
1:00 – did that end up being "methi" (fenugreek leaves)?
Love it
plz taste some Pakistani food as well…it's yummy
why isnt peebrain with you more luke youre older son
Where's the basmati rice?
they are my favorite dishes.
Is he your son ? or best friend? :)
Next, please do some native American food. Good luck finding it. xD
ohh that cheese naan look so good. i should not have watch this video. feeeling very hungry now.
is it me or does he look like Steve Martin
Oui Monsieur Eric, your son should always wear that Prince outfit.
Dress is awesome. Thumbs up.
i want it,it make me feel hungry ,sure its delicious
haha. He said CUM-syrup at the end?:P those canisters kinda looked like something from a Jerk-off-certified bank…