1. My first thoughts noodles raw? but then I watched very good, unfortunately if you include me that's just one more tool in the kitchen.

  2. Hi kristina I've been wondering why don't you make fattoush or taboula in a new recipe ideas

  3. This looks delicious! And I love that you're using your hands for mixing :D

  4. this was published after my baby brother was born and I showed her this video and wanted the noodles so I made her some t

  5. Just a suggestion, why don't you remove your rings and bracelets when you cook?  For someone into clean eating, dipping your hands while wearing jewelry isn't sanitary.  Just saying :)

  6. Hi Kristina, I'm trying to make this recipe but I can't find the sesame seeds in the shell. I'm wanting to know if there's a substitute and if there is, what is it?

  7. what about the protein please I beg of you for the love of God don't forget about the protein why don't you think of the protein

  8. I love your videos and recipes. Thanks to you I am a fully raw vegan. Just as an advice, remove your rings when you are going to mix food with your hands. Rings harvest many germs and live bacteria

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